Water Heater Repair & Installation

Water Heater/Hot Water Tank

Installation & Repair


Hot water is a must for any home or business; there aren’t to many of us who enjoy waking up to a cold shower or having to deal with a load of dirty dishes and no hot water to wash them. When your water heater is acting up or simply can’t keep up, it’s important to address the problem.


Common Water Heater Problems & Solutions

No Hot Water: If your water heater isn’t working, the first step would be to check that the pilot light is on. If it’s not, simply turn it on. If it is on, but you aren’t getting hot water, that indicates a bigger problem and depends on the type of water heating system you are running. Contact our team at Alberta Backflow Services for guidance or help!

Not Enough Hot Water: Running out of hot water, regardless of when it happens is just plain frustrating. There’s a few different issues that could be causing the problem, perhaps your thermostat isn’t working properly, or your water heater is too small for the requirements being placed on it. The solutions could be a simple fix or replacement part, or you may consider upgrading the tank or investing in a tankless system which offers hot water on demand.

Water Temperature is Cold or Too Hot: This is usually a thermostat setting that needs to be adjusted. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, then you may have a faulty thermostat or there is an excess sediment build up in the tank. Sediment and mineral build up is common with tank systems; basic maintenance of draining, flushing and refilling the tank is good practice and often corrects the variant temperature issue. If you need assistance troubleshooting and correcting your water temperature issue give us a call.

Rusty Coloured Water: This is a tell tale sign that your water heater is rusting and corroding. Replacing your anode rod, which prevents rust from collecting in your tank may correct the issue or you may need a water heater replacement.

Hot Water Heater Leaking: The most common hot water heater problem. This may be caused by too much pressure build up in the tank, corrosion, rust, condensation or a broken drain valve. Whenever you notice a leak, its best to reach out to a plumber to diagnose the issue.


Traditional Water Heaters vs. Tankless Water Heaters vs. Boilers

So what’s the difference between a traditional water heater and a tankless water heater?

A traditional water heater stores and preheats water in a tank which is used whenever someone washes dishes, has a shower, etc. The tank then refills and reheats.

A tankless water heater uses a gas or electric heat source to warm up cool water on demand whenever you need it.

There are pros and cons to each system and the decision will depend on your needs, your budget and your lifestyle.

Pros & Cons of Traditional Water Heaters:

  • Pro - Lower initial cost

  • Pro - Easy and inexpensive to replace

  • Pro - Less Mainenance

  • Con - Less Energy Efficient = Higher Utility Expense

  • Con - Bulkier

  • Con - Can Run out of Water

  • Con - Shorter Life Span

Pros & Cons of Tankless Water Heaters:

  • Pro - More energy efficient, saves money in the long run

  • Pro - Small, doesn’t take up much space

  • Pro - government rebates

  • Pro - Longer life span (about double to a tanked system)

  • Pro - Hot water on demand

  • Pro - Less chance of flooding

  • Con - Requires yearly maintenance

  • Con - Higher initial investment

  • Con - Retrofitting and initial installation cost expense

What is a Boiler?

A boiler heat water and can turn that water into steam. Boilers are versatile heating systems, they can be used not only to heat water but also heat the home and even generate power!

Todays boilers are very energy efficient, they heat water very quickly and like water heaters, come with the option of tanked or tankless. Depending on your requirements, there are also different types of boilers to choose from:

  • Combination boilers supply heat for your home and hot water

  • A system boiler doesn’t require a cold water tank, but does have a hot water cylinder. Water from the main is heated and stored in the cylinder. Like a hot water tank, the amount of hot water held is determined by the size of the cylinder.

  • A conventional boiler requires a considerable amount of space because it has a cold water tank and a hot water cylinder.

Proper boiler maintenance will increase the lifespan of your system, keeping an eye on water levels, descaling and checking for leaks should be included in your maintenance schedule, as well as flushing and cleaning the system and lubricating moving parts bi annually.

Whether you are running a traditional style hot water tank, a water heater or boiler, we provide full-service repair, maintenance or installation for your business, home or property.