Plumbing Replacement & Installation

Plumbing Replacement & Installation


Failure in any part of a plumbing system can lead to major property damage. Below are some of the most obvious signs that you have a plumbing problem:

  • Cracks, corrosion or leaks from visible pipes

  • Wet baseboards

  • Moisture behind dishwashers or sinks

  • Water stained or warped flooring/ceiling

  • Clogged sinks or toilets

  • Rusty coloured waterflow

  • Dripping faucets or fixtures

  • Low water pressure may indicate a clogged drain or a leak downstream from a fixture.

Plumbing failures can turn into plumbing disasters in the blink of an eye. Taking care of your plumbing system by replacing aging pipe, connectors or fixtures can save you a lot of trouble and money down the road.

Alberta Backflow Services handles both residential and commercial replacements & installations. Whether you’re renovating an existing space, building new or have discovered a problem in your existing plumbing system, we have you covered.